The fall soccer season is 10 weeks long (unless your team adds a tournament or two). The first 5 weeks of the season are now available at the link below:
Please note that you can subscribe (aka: import) game schedules into a calendar (ie: Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc.) by clicking on the “Subscribe” button after you click on any division. In most cases, you will only want to subscribe to the games for your team (and not the entire division). If you need help finding your team, look for “OYSC” to identify teams from the Orangevale Youth Soccer Club.

The reason that only the first half of the season is published is that the league will assess how teams and doing and move teams up or down a division in an effort to allow teams to play other teams with roughly the same level of skill. Games for the second half of the season will mostly likely be posted the week of September 25, 2022.