2024-2025 Season
Age Matrix
Birth Year | Age Group |
2019 | U6 |
2018 | U8 |
2017 | U8 |
2016 | U10 |
2015 | U10 |
2014 | U12 |
2013 | U12 |
2012 | U14 |
2011 | U14 |
2010 | U16 |
2009 | U16 |
2008 | U19 |
2008 | U19 |
2008 | U19 |
Birth Year | Age Group |
2019 | U6 |
2018 | U8 |
2017 | U8 |
2016 | U10 |
2015 | U10 |
2014 | U12 |
2013 | U12 |
2012 | U14 |
2011 | U14 |
2010 | U16 |
2009 | U16 |
2008 | U19 |
2008 | U19 |
2008 | U19 |
Uniforms are purchased directly from Soccer Pro. You may visit the store or order online. The store is located at the corner of Madison and Fair Oaks Boulevard; 11726 Fair Oaks Blvd, Fair Oaks, CA 95628.
Every player needs a soccer ball.
Age Group | Ball Size |
U6/U8 | Size 3 |
U10/U12 | Size 4 |
U14+ | Size 5 |
Every player MUST bring a water bottle to every practice and game – regardless of temperature. Staying hydrated is fundamental to keep players healthy and safe..
While some children who play goalie may use a special jersey or wear gloves, they are not required. (And in most cases, the team can provide them if desired.)
While not technically required, it is strongly recommended that your child wear soccer cleats to all practices and games. Cleats will keep your child from slipping or falling – especially when the grass is wet or the fields are muddy.
Please note that most football, baseball and softball cleats are ILLEGAL to use in soccer due to the position, size or material of the cleat. Soccer cleats cannot be metal, cannot be too long and cannot be located at the front edge of the cleat. If you are unsure about whether or not your child can wear a specific set of cleats, please contact your coach or visit Soccer Pro..
In addition to the uniform, every player is REQUIRED to wear shin guards at all practices and games. Shin guards must be worn under the socks and must be completely covered. There is no specific style or model required. We recommend visiting Soccer Pro if you’d like some assistance in selecting an appropriate pair of shin guards for your child. Your child may not participate without shin guards.
Uniforms are not included in the cost of registration. Each player is required to wear an OYSC uniform that includes a shirt, shorts and socks. You may use an Orangevale uniform from a prior season even if the style is slightly different from the current version. A new uniform (shirt, shorts, and socks) cost approximately $45 to $50 at Soccer Pro.
Spring Soccer is here! Cal North District VI is offering a spring league open to all area clubs including OYSC.
Spring Soccer Registration Information
Waitlist Process
Interested players will initially be placed on a waitlist. There is no cost to join the waitlist and this step is crucial for us to determine how many players we have in each age and gender group to form teams. Teams will only be formed if we first, have a coach and have enough players.
Once enough players and coaches are available to create teams, we will notify families and provide instructions on how to formally commit by paying the registration fee.
How to Join
Sign up now to join the waitlist! Teams will be formed based on interest and you will be notified of the next steps once we confirm player and coach availability. If you’re interested in coaching, we need to hear from you now-your help is essential to making this season happen!
Once your registration is confirmed and teams are finalized, your coach will reach out to provide details about practice schedules, game times, and other important updates.
Please contact Pete Philips at clubmanager@ovalesoccer.org if you have any questions.
Spring Registration is Open: Register here
Fall Registration is Open: Register Here
U6/U8: $100
U10-U19: $115
*Uniforms are not included.
April – Registration Opens
June 30 – Registration Closes (waitlists may be open)
July – Teams Formed
August 1 – Practices Start
Mid August – First Game
Mid November – Last Game