
If the ambient outside air temperature is greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (100°F) at the time of practice as measured for Orangevale, CA on, coaches are encouraged to modify or cancel practice. If the temperature is greater than 105°F leading up to practice time, cancel practice.

Air Quality
The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a measure of the ground level ozone. For the Sacramento region, the air quality forecast can be checked the day before practice at We strongly advise that you check the AQI in the afternoon the days of your practices (and you can also sign up for email alerts as well). Ground level ozone can irritate and damage the lungs.
Ozone levels are typically higher in the Sacramento region in the afternoon and early evening hours and people of all ages who exercise or work vigorously outdoors (soccer practice) are considered a “sensitive group” as they will have a higher level of exposure to ozone than people who are less active outdoors. Typically, the air quality in our portion of the greater Sacramento area diminishes significantly during the late afternoon/early evening time period (right at soccer practice time).
It is recommended that you modify or cancel practice if the AQI is forecasted to be greater than 100 (unhealthy for sensitive groups). If it is forecasted to be greater than 126 (unhealthy for all groups), cancel practice.