Fall 2025 Registration

OYSC 2025 Fall Registration

As a community based, volunteer organization, the Orangevale Youth Soccer Club (OYSC) has always prided itself on providing a recreational- level youth soccer program to the young soccer players of our community. During our February 2025 board meeting, the Board of Directors of OYSC made some critical decisions for the upcoming fall 2025 Recreational Soccer season that will result in the continued successful growth of the Club including critical decisions regarding our fiscal viability.

For the upcoming fall 2025 recreational season, our Under 6 and Under 8 teams will remain affiliated with the California Youth Soccer Association, North. Our Under 10 and Under 12 teams will affiliate with US Club Soccer and participate in a local US Club recreation league. OYSC Under 14 thru Under 19 teams will affiliate with the US Club Soccer, Norcal Super Rec league. 

Note: OYSC has not increased our registration rates for three years and, in order to make the move to US Club Soccer and remain fiscally solvent, registration fees for our program have been increased by approximately 30 to 35 percent across the board. These increases will allow OYSC to continue to provide USSF certified referees for all matches (Under 8 and above), continue reinvestment in infrastructure (goals, nets, corner flags, field painting equipment, scrimmage vests, etc.), and keep up with rising costs of insurance, field usage, field paint, registration with state of California governing bodies as a non-profit organization, software to run the organization, and other expenses (team and individual photographs, etc.).

Additionally, a portion of the increased fees will enable OYSC to update our youth soccer governing body affiliations that translates to opportunities to play matches against our close neighbors.

OYSC remains committed to providing youth in Orangevale and surrounding communities, a fun, safe, and rewarding recreational soccer experience that reflects our “OV” community pride.

Thank you for your continued support. See you on the pitch.

Board of Directors, Orangevale Youth Soccer Club

Fall Registration is Open: U6-U8 Register here | U10-U19 Register here

General Membership

Message to the Orangevale Youth Soccer Club General Membership

As a community based, volunteer organization, the Orangevale Youth Soccer Club (OYSC) has always prided itself on providing a recreational- level youth soccer program to the young soccer players of our community. During our February 2025 board meeting, the Board of Directors of OYSC made some critical decisions for the upcoming fall 2025 Recreational Soccer season that will result in the continued successful growth of the Club including critical decisions regarding our fiscal viability.

For the upcoming fall 2025 recreational season, our Under 6 and Under 8 teams will remain affiliated with the California Youth Soccer Association, North. Our Under 10 and Under 12 teams will affiliate with US Club Soccer and participate in a local US Club recreation league. OYSC Under 14 thru Under 19 teams will affiliate with the US Club Soccer, Norcal Super Rec league.

Note: OYSC has not increased our registration rates for three years and, in order to make the move to US Club Soccer and remain fiscally solvent, registration fees for our program have been increased by approximately 30 to 35 percent across the board. These increases will allow OYSC to continue to provide USSF certified referees for all matches (Under 8 and above), continue reinvestment in infrastructure (goals, nets, corner flags, field painting equipment, scrimmage vests, etc.), and keep up with rising costs of insurance, field usage, field paint, registration with state of California governing bodies as a non-profit organization, software to run the organization, and other expenses (team and individual photographs, etc.).

Additionally, a portion of the increased fees will enable OYSC to update our youth soccer governing body affiliations that translates to opportunities to play matches against our close neighbors.

OYSC remains committed to providing youth in Orangevale and surrounding communities, a fun, safe, and rewarding recreational soccer experience that reflects our “OV” community pride.

Thank you for your continued support. See you on the pitch.

Board of Directors, Orangevale Youth Soccer Club

3rd Annual Memorial Day 5v5 Bash on May 25, 2024

3rd Annual Memorial Day 5v5 Bash on May 25, 2024

§ Who: USSF affiliated players and teams. Member passes and proof of insurance required.
§ When: One day tournament on May 25, 2024
§ Where: Orangevale Community Center, 6826 Hazel Ave, Orangevale (Sacramento County)
§ Divisions: Standard age divisions are U10, U12, U14, U16 and U19 boys and girls.
§ Format: All divisions play in a 5v5 standard tournament format. Three games guaranteed. Top teams in each division advance to a final match.
§ Awards: All participants receive an event t-shirt. Trophy for 1st place and medals for 1st and 2nd place.
§ Cost: $250/Cal North affiliated team and $275/non-Cal North affiliated team.
§ Info & Rules: https://d6soccer.org/home/events/
§ Registration Deadline: May 12, 2024
§ Registration Link: https://system.gotsport.com/event_regs/4d9b9049ce

The Cal North District 6 region includes 12 counties. We welcome teams from other Cal North districts to participate in events. Please email Sally Miller, smiller@calnorth.org for questions or after registering your team in an event to ensure we aware of any extended travel.

U19 Girls Select Tryouts – May 18 & 19

U19 Girls Select Tryouts – May 18 & 19

The club is happy to announce that a girls u19 “select” team will be available for the Fall 2024 season. If you are interested in trying out, please see the information below:

Date: Saturday, May 18th, and Sunday, May 19th
Location: Orangevale Community Center located at 6826 Hazel Avenue
Time: 9:00 am until 12:00pm (tryouts will start promptly at 9:00am)
Ages: Players between 14 and 18 years old may tryout
Registration: Players must have been registered with OYSC last year (2023) – or – registered for this year (2024).




If the ambient outside air temperature is greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (100°F) at the time of practice as measured for Orangevale, CA on www.weather.com, coaches are encouraged to modify or cancel practice.  If the temperature is greater than 105°F leading up to practice time, cancel practice.

Air Quality

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a measure of the ground level ozone.  For the Sacramento region, the air quality forecast can be checked the day before practice at www.sparetheair.com.  We strongly advise that you check the AQI in the afternoon the days of your practices (and you can also sign up for email alerts as well).  Ground level ozone can irritate and damage the lungs.

Ozone levels are typically higher in the Sacramento region in the afternoon and early evening hours and people of all ages who exercise or work vigorously outdoors (soccer practice) are considered a “sensitive group” as they will have a higher level of exposure to ozone than people who are less active outdoors.  Typically, the air quality in our portion of the greater Sacramento area diminishes significantly during the late afternoon/early evening time period (right at soccer practice time).

It is recommended that you modify or cancel practice if the AQI is forecasted to be greater than 100 (unhealthy for sensitive groups).  If it is forecasted to be greater than 126 (unhealthy for all groups), cancel practice.

Field Policies

Field Conditions

Field Policies

As a member of the Orangevale community, we utilize fields that are maintained by the Orangevale Parks and Recreational District.  In order to use these fields, we must agree to abide by their policies in order to ensure that member of our community stay safe and that the parks are available for everyone to enjoy.

For your understanding and convenience, the complete Orangevale Parks and Recreational District Inclement Weather Policy is shared below:


District athletic fields have been designed and are maintained for the enjoyment and use of Orangevale residents. The purpose of this policy is to guide the use of District athletic fields, to prevent injuries and damage to the playing surface brought upon by inclement weather and/or unsafe playing conditions. An effective field maintenance program is essential for safe, quality fields and sport complexes. User groups are asked to help us by accepting and adhering to these rules. Groups who use the District athletic facilities are expected to assist in protecting their participants and fields during periods of rain or inclement weather.

The Orangevale Recreation and Park District reserves the right to cancel or suspend outdoor facility or field use permits for games, practices and other uses whenever field conditions could result in injury to players or damage to the fields. Permits may also be cancelled when the health and safety of participants are threatened due to impending conditions, including but not limited to, heavy rains, air quality alerts, or pesticide application.

The District Administrator or designated representative shall have the authority to close any or all fields within the Orangevale Recreation and Park District. During inclement weather, District maintenance staff will assess the playability of all District owned and joint-use San Juan Unified School District fields to determine if use will occur.

The following information is the District’s policy regarding the use of fields in wet conditions. This policy and described procedures apply to all sports and activities taking place on a grass field, turf area, or infield.

Baseball and Softball In-fields
Infields will be deemed unsafe/unplayable when any of the following conditions are present:
 – Standing water within the base paths
 – Your feet are slipping as you walk through the infield
 – The depth of your foot print is greater than 1 inch
 – When any of the above conditions are present within the pitching area.

Soccer, Lacrosse, Baseball and Softball Out Fields – Turf
Outfields and turf area will be deemed unsafe/unplayable when any of the following conditions are present:
 – Standing water within the majority of a single playing position (positions will be determined based on user group).
 – Your feet are suctioned to the ground as you walk within the majority of a single playing position
 – Your foot prints are filling with water in the majority of a single playing position
 – The depth of your foot print is greater than 2 inches in the majority of a single playing position.
 – Grass can be dislodged from the parks easily by play.

1. If it has rained within the preceding 24 hours, groups using public fields must call the Orangevale Recreation and Park District’s FIELD CONDITIONS HOTLINE at (916) 987-1507 to receive updated information on field playability. Generally, only same-day information will be provided, except in the case of extreme conditions or scheduled maintenance. The HOTLINE message will be updated by 3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday and by 8:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. District staff will make a determination of field conditions. The determinations/decisions are not negotiable.
2. The District may also declare some fields subject to re-evaluation. These fields can be evaluated by the individual user group at game time for playability. The user group must use the same playability criteria used by Districtstaff.
3. In the event that the HOTLINE has not been updated, or is unavailable, groups are expected to make educated and responsible decisions regarding field condition playability, keeping in mind the current and future quality of turf facilities. Decisions regarding playability must be made using the above criteria for field playability.
5. Groups witnessing misuse of fields by other scheduled or unscheduled users are advised to contact the Orangevale Recreation and Park District (988-4373)
6. Abuse/use during wet conditions shall result in a minimum $50 fine for the first infraction and a minimum $100.00 fine for the second infraction (fine may be higher if the cost of necessary repairs – due to a group’s use/abuse/misuse of a wet field – exceeds the set fine amount). A third infraction (in a calendar year) will result in loss of future scheduled uses. It is the rental organization’s responsibility to ensure that all coaches and parents understand and enforce this policy.

Orangevale Recreation & Park District
6826 Hazel Avenue
Orangevale, CA 95662

Phone: (916) 988-4373
Fax: (916) 988-3496


Field Conditions


If it has rained within the preceding 24 hours, teams must must call the FIELD CONDITIONS HOTLINE at (916) 987-1507 to find out if the fields are useable.  Updates will be provided on a same-day basis only; by 3:00pm on weekdays and by 8:00 am on weekends.

Copyright 2025 by Orangevalve Youth Soccer Club All Rights Reserved.